Sunday, August 2, 2009

A hike with an Athlete

Laci and I woke up super early to catch a good hike and maybe see the sun rise. Well we had a great hike up to the Makapu'u Light House, then took a detour down the hill to catch the tide pools. I think in all we walked/ran maybe six miles. Any day now we will be welcoming our new boy to the world. We know everyone is waiting for the call. Alan finished up his season of baseball and learned lots of great skills and will be using them in the coming months when it starts up again. We hope everyone is doing well and we hope to see the Hallfords in April and sister Angel here in a couple of weeks!
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Anonymous said...

that is great photography. Love you. Sounds like a great way to start the day!


Simon and Michelle said...

She is definately getting a taste of how beautiful it is here. We had a great time driving around the island and stopping at turtle beach and actually seeing the real sea turtles. It was a great day. She has all the pictures. I only took one.